Credit Card Advice

0% and low rate credit cards

How to save money simply by changing your credit card


How to get a loan from a bank or credit card company for FREE!
With a 0% credit card.

These companies want your business and are prepared to let you have a loan with no interest charges.

So where's the catch? There is a time limit on the interest free period. They hope that once you have your new card you will not bother to change again at the end of the free period. They then get some of the money back with slightly higher charges. If you keep changing your card going from one offer to another you can have your loan interest free. Is it worth all the trouble. Well as many offer 12 months at 0% apr you only have to change once a year. The trick is you must remember to apply for another offer BEFORE your free intrest period expires and time the balance transfer so you do not get a penalty for paying off the old card early. This may sound difficult but all it needs is an entry in your diary or calender and then don't put it off.

Are there any catches?

Yes, but most are just simple terms and conditions. The most common one is a penaly if you pay off you card in full. Why would you want to do that when you can have the loan for free? Do look for any tie in period longer than the 0% apr period. You will also need to pay the minimum amount each month so you don't incur any fees.

Which credit card offer zero interest rate?

Try some of the following. There is some form filling so try saving the information you enter in the first one and you can then copy and paste into any more you try as this will save you a lot of time entering the same details again.
